Boss Mode: Delegating Tasks to Yourself

Ever felt the urgency to get things done when someone else tells you to? It’s high time you wore both hats – the boss and the employee. Here’s a quirky yet effective productivity hack: Delegate tasks to yourself as if you’re playing both roles. Here’s how and why it works:

1. The Magic of Third-Person Reminders

Telling yourself, “Review and finalize those slides for Thursday’s meeting!” somehow holds more weight than a simple “I need to do slides.” It feels like a clear instruction, and you know what’s expected of you.

2. Techniques to Get Into Boss Mode

  • Email or Text: Send a message to yourself as if instructing someone else.
    • “Good morning! Today’s key task: finalize that project proposal for the meeting.”
  • Calendar Events: Add a touch of formality.
    • “2:00 PM – Presentation: Slides need final touch-ups.”
  • Sticky Notes: Physical reminders around your workspace.
    • “Documents due by 5 PM!”
  • Alarm Labels: A wake-up call or a gentle nudge during the day.
    • “Time for the daily workout!”
  • Task Management Apps: Virtual assistants and chatbot apps are perfect for third-person tasks.
    • Todoist task: “Review and finalize design mockups by EOD.”

3. Making Your Self-Delegated Tasks More Effective

  • Be Specific: Vague tasks are easy to ignore. Be clear about what needs to be done.
  • Timing is Everything: Assign a specific time for the task, giving your day structure.
  • Highlight Importance: Why is the task essential? This motivation can be the push you need.

Closing Thoughts:

By delegating tasks to yourself, you’re creating a psychological buffer, making it easier to assess tasks objectively. This method adds urgency and clarity, taking you one step closer to acing productivity. Next time you find yourself procrastinating, put on your boss hat and delegate – to yourself! After all, when you’re both the boss and the employee, there’s no room for delays.